Recybase - The Material Exchange of plasticker

PC/ABS Staub Produktsionsabfall
Offer from:2024-04-17
Material: PC/ABS
Type: Production Waste
Form: Powder
Color: coloured
Amount: 8000 kg
Price:0.05 EUR/kg
Logistical data:
Packaging: wire box
Delivery: ex works
Location: 87730, Deutschland
Material: PC/ABS FH dust (post production)
Amount: 8-9 to per ftl (approx. 3-4 per year)
Packaging: Euro-Boxes (needs to be exchanged)
Colour: Mixed colors
Quality: Dry and clean
Available: 1 full truck load at the moment

Tecnical Data:

Different PC/ABS types mixed, mainly flame retardant (halogen free) and partially mineral filled

Samples available

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