Recybase - The Material Exchange of plasticker

HDPE Regranulate ex Hostalen GC7260 White RAL9010
Offer from:2024-05-29
Material: PE-HD
Type: Recyclate
Form: Pellets
Color: white
Amount: 6500 kg
Price:0.99 EUR/kg
Certificate: vorhanden
Logistical data:
Packaging: big-bag
Delivery: ex works
Location: 4210 Stamboliiski Bulgaria
Supplier-Ref.-No.: 324/29.05.2024
This regranulate is made from 100% production waste - products for the pharmaceutical industry. The virgin polymer is Hostalen GC 7260 and this regranulate is the first heat treatment after injection molding. The quality is excellent, the price is worth it!
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