

03.12.2010, 10:57 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Clariant: Polymer Additives Business increases prices

Clariant´s Business Line Polymer Additives today announced global price increases of between 5 and 15% for its grades for plastics.

The price adjustments are necessary to compensate for significant increases in raw material and transportation costs, alongside continuing high energy costs.


“We have absorbed significant cost increases already through production optimization and other efficiency increasing measures during the course of 2010, but further cost reductions programs would jeopardize the quality of service we deliver to our customers,” comments Jérôme Abrahmi, Head of Clariant’s Polymer Additives Business Line. “Our objective is to ensure long-term commitment to the plastics industry and a continuous supply of high performance additives, enabling our customers to further improve their productivity and enhance the quality of their products.”

Clariant customers will be contacted individually regarding the specifics of the price increases as they apply to their products and regions.

New prices will be effective for all deliveries as of January 1st, 2011.

More information:

Clariant International Ltd., Muttenz, Switzerland

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