

20.02.2008 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

EuPC: 'Questions and Answers' document on Bioplastics and Degradability

Europe’s Brussels-based plastics converters’ body, EuPC (, has published a ‘Questions and Answers’ document on Bioplastics and Degradability. This factual brochure giving answers to the commonly asked questions on the subject follows the preparation of a detailed internal industry position paper issued to EuPC members in 2006, the fruit of co-operation with Plastics Europe.

‘Bioplastics’ are generally considered to be types of plastics derived from natural resources such as wood (cellulose), vegetable oils, sugar or starch and the aim of the document is to give clear and concise information in order to clarify precisely what is meant by the terminology used and to correct misinformation which has entered into circulation about this family of materials. The document will also help the reader understand the relationship between bioplastics and biodegradation, positioning biodegradation within the wider context of degradation as a whole.


The plastic converting industry is today looking for other sources of raw materials that can have the same properties but cost advantages compared to traditional raw materials. Even though bioplastics still constitute an immature market, they have the potential to grow exponentially in the next years.

‘The growth of this market should be strictly based on market decisions and not on national legislation. The latest developments, especially in France, appears to favor this last option’ affirmed Alexandre Dangis, EuPC’s Managing Director. EuPC also stresses the need to have separate waste streams for traditional plastics and bioplastics in order to avoid causing extra costs, in terms of sorting, for the plastic recycling industry. There are also fears that bioplastics could damage existing recycling projects.

European Plastics Converters, Brussels, Belgium

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