

19.10.2012, 06:04 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Biotec: Sphere group as new sole shareholder

October 1st, 2012 the Sphere group purchased all shares in the Biotec Holding GmbH, Emmerich/Germany, that were previously owned by Biome Technologies plc.

Biotec, founded in 1992, specialized in the research, development and production of materials derived from renewable, recyclable and fully biodegradable materials, holds a certain number of patents in the fast-growing sector of bioplastics.


With an annual capacity of more than 20.000 tons Biotec has achieved in 2011 a turnover of 30.1 million Euro (+ 40.6 % compared to previous year) only in Europe. The bioplastic market worldwide shows high growth. As a consequence it is planned that Biotec will review its bioplastic market opportunities worldwide.

As a European leader for household wraps, the Sphere group holds a leading positions in the major food retailing, municipality and trade markets. Sphere designs, manufactures and markets finished products such as refuse bags, frozen-food bags, catering grade cling-film and papers, aluminium trays and aluminium foil.

More information:

Biotex GmbH, Emmerich

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