

23.02.2011, 11:35 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Clariant’s Masterbatches Business increases prices

The Masterbatches Business Unit of Clariant, a leading masterbatches player globally, announces global price increases for most of its products.

The price adjustments are necessary to compensate for rising oil prices and significant cost increases for all masterbatch-relevant raw materials.


"We have absorbed significant cost increases through production optimization and other efficiency-increasing measures, but we have now reached the limit of what we can do with these tools. In order to finance future investments and improvements to our supply chain we have no alternative but to increase prices," comments Hans Bohnen, Head of Clariant`s Masterbatch Business Unit.

The price increases will become effective immediately or as contracts allow. Clariant customers will be contacted individually regarding the specifics of the price increase as they apply to their products and regions.

More information:

Clariant International Ltd., Muttenz, Switzerland

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