

31.03.2011, 06:12 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

EuPR sets up a mixed plastics recycling working group

EuPR has created a new Working Group on Mixed Plastics in order to coordinate the mixed plastics recyclers’ initiatives and strengthen their position. Dr. Michael Scriba, Chairman of this new Group (CEO and shareholder of mtm plastics GmbH), underlines that “the aim of this group is to fight the current market failures that are blocking the development of mixed plastics recycling in Europe”. “It is the appropriate time for mixed plastics recyclers to voice their added value for the environment and contribute to the increased levels of plastics recycling in Europe” said Dr. Scriba. Furthermore, the recyclers group wants to make clear to all stakeholders that mixed plastics are not per se predestined to energy recovery.

As a matter of fact, the potential to grow in the mixed plastics waste fraction is significant but currently not captured. Out of the 15 million tonnes of post-consumer waste arising from packaging around 10% may be considered as forming possible mixed plastics fraction. Thus, various collection schemes are now looking into this prospective stream in order to fulfil their future recycling targets.


These new developments are welcomed by the plastics recyclers as they will increase Europe’s resource efficiency, create jobs and decrease our environmental impact. Nevertheless, these developments must be carefully supervised as they should not jeopardise the existing and successful plastics recycling markets.

The new group will be launched on the 7th June 2011 during a meeting in Bad Neuenahr. All the mixed plastics recyclers producing articles or recyclates are invited to contact EuPR in order to take part to this forum.

More information:,

European Plastics Recyclers, Brussels, Belgium

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