

19.10.2006 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Van Gansewinkel acquires Plastic Herverwerking Brabant and Envirotec

Waste service provider Van Gansewinkel ( strengthens its position in the recycling market through the acquisition of Plastic Herverwerking Brabant (PHB,, based in Waalwijk. PHB recycles various plastics waste streams, including contaminated plastics materials. As part of this transaction, Van Gansewinkel has also taken over PHB´s affiliate, Envirotec (, which sells recycling equipment and provides advice with regard to plastics recycling.

Together, PHB and Envirotec realise an annual turnover of over € 3 million and will become part of the Coolrec Group, one of Van Gansewinkel´s recycling companies. All 9 employees will be employed by this subsidiary, which has been active in the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment for 15 years. Coolrec has branches in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and England. In 2005, Coolrec recycled over 1 million refrigerators. Other important electrical and electronic waste materials include TVs, IT equipment and small domestic appliances. Many plastic waste materials result from these products which, thanks to PHB’s separation and reduction processes, are of outstanding quality and can therefore easily be reused.


The main activity of PHB is the recycling of hard plastics materials, such as polystyrene, ABS, polypropylene, polyethylene and polyethylene terphtalate. These materials originate, for example, from the electronics, packaging and automotive industries.

Van Gansewinkel Group is a waste service provider active in the Benelux, Poland, the Czech Republic, France, England and Portugal. Its core activities include collection, processing, treatment and recycling of waste. In 2005, the Group achieved a turnover of € 530 million and employed around 4,000 people.

Van Gansewinkel, Eindhoven/Netherlands

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