

08.09.2010 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Breton: High-speed milling operations of complex 3D workpieces

The gantry structure with moving cross beam and five interpolated axes has been specially designed to make RAPTOR 1200/2T an ideal machining centre for high-speed milling operations of complex 3D workpieces made of composite materials and resins as those required in the aerospace industry.

High rigidity and dynamics allow these centres to machine a great number of components and products at high speed with the max. milling performance.


Thanks to the linear axis speed reaching up to 80 m/min and the rotary tilting head with rotation of C axis of ± 200° and of axis”A” from 0° to +115°, RAPTOR 1200/2T offers continuous 5-axis machining capacity for complex profiling, even undercuts, with maximum precision and dynamics.

The direct drive twist head which can be positioned at any angle within the working range can mount spindles with 20 kW power and 28.000 rpm giving this machine greater milling performance to make it ideal for machining both composite materials and resins as used in the aeronautical industry.

The closed structure and drive assemblies mounted on the top part of the machine is to ensure maximum operator’s safety and maximum machining precision and reliability.

More Information:

Composites Europe 2010, 14.-16.9.2010, Essen, Hall 12, St. B18

Breton S.P.A., Castello di Godego, Italy


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