

15.07.2010 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

Resinex: Übernahme der Distribution von PP-Typen von Exxonmobil Chemical für die Medizintechnik

RESINEX has been appointed to handle the pan-European distribution of ExxonMobil™ polypropylene (PP) grades for use in certain medical applications, effective July 1, 2010.

This includes the homopolymer grades, ExxonMobil™ PP1013H1 and PP1014H1, which are specifically designed for the pharmaceutical market and that are typically used for medical goods, such as syringes, inhalators and pumps, and packaging applications, such as boxes, closures and dispensers. Additional application focus areas include the laboratory sector and diagnostics. In accordance with industry specific high hygiene requirements, these grades can be sterilized using steam or ethylene oxide.


ExxonMobil™ PP9074MED polypropylene is a random copolymer that exhibits good flow properties and high clarity, making it suitable for diagnostic applications, syringes and similar medical products. This grade is also designed to withstand high energy radiation, such as gamma rays, often used to sterilize molded parts.

All grades are optimized for injection moulding.

More information:

RESINEX Germany GmbH, Zwingenberg, Germany

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