

11.08.2010 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

SO.F.TER.: Leasing of Italian Compounder P Group

SO.F.TER. announces the signing of a lease agreement with P Group, an important Italian compounder specialized in the production of Engineering Plastics renowned for their high quality and technological level. P Group is based in Ferrara, where the plants for the compounding of polypropylene, PBT and polyamide are located. The company also has a sales office in Germany and a distribution network covering several world countries.

This agreement is a further step in the strategy adopted by SO.F.TER. since 2008 with the acquisition of Matrixx Europe and it will allow the development of several synergies: both companies operate in the same business and share the same “customer-oriented” philosophy so that their integration will put them in a position to respond adequately to future market challenges.


The agreement will also broaden SO.F.TER. portfolio in the field of reinforced plastics, in which P Group is specialized with the Tecnoprene® products, a brand that is acknowledged worldwide and homologated by the most important operators in the automotive business. Besides, the integration of copolyester, under the Pibiflex® brand name, will complement SO.F.TER. Thermoplastic Elastomers range and allow an approach to new market segments.

Customers will benefit from an improved service, thanks to the new CAD/CAE software allowing the optimal design of both mould and compound, by means of injection moulding simulations, thus delivering "turn-key" solutions.

SO.F.TER. has already completed other two acquisitions in 2010, the first one regarding Heraflex®P products for winter sports footwear and the second one regarding Terra XPS® products, a TPE pellet for the infill of artificial sport pitches in which SO.F.TER. has become the world leader.

More information:

SO.F.TER. SPA, Forli, Italy

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