

04.09.2006 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Petcore announces full endorsement for bottle-to-bottle and bottle-to-fiber recyclability of SIPA Smartcoat barrier technology

Petcore’s ( Expert Evaluation Committee, whose mission is to determine the impact of new PET containers and additives on the quality of the recovered PET flake for recycling, has come to the conclusion that SIPA Smartcoat® technology for gas barrier enhancement , will have no negative impact on current European PET recycling.

Smartcoat® is the new organic double layer no-food contact coating developed and patented by SIPA to improve gas barrier properties of PET packaging. Coated containers can withstand hot filling, aseptic processing, tunnel pasteurization and ultra-clean filling.


The Smartcoat® coating will be completely removed during the standard bottle washing process. Flakes from bales fully made of coated bottles, or including coated bottles, will therefore remain of a quality fully suitable for bottle-to-bottle and bottle-to-fibres PET end-applications, according to the latest Petcore protocol.

Petcore (PET containers recycling Europe) is a non-profit European trade association based in Brussels. Its mission focuses on the development of PET packaging, with a particular emphasis on PET recycling.

Petcore’s Expert Evaluation Committee consists of specialists operating both in the PET industry and in the field of packaging waste management.

Av. de Cortenbergh 66, box 5
1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 732 91 27
Fax: +32 (0)2 736 72 64

Petcore, Brussels, Belgium

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