

19.12.2016, 06:02 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Billion: French manufacturer of injection molding machines opens sales and service office in Detroit

John-Paul Mead next to Billion machines at AdduXi factory in Rochester Hills - (Picture: Billion SAS).
John-Paul Mead next to Billion machines at AdduXi factory in Rochester Hills - (Picture: Billion SAS).
Billion SAS has settled a branch office in Detroit, Michigan. John-Paul Mead is in charge of building a sales structure and reinforcing service organization for the French manufacturer of injection molding machines in the US North-East region.

Billion All-electric and twin-shot machines are particularly matching the dynamic American market and the middle range GM (clamping forces 400 T – 1.100 T) specifically suits the local automotive industry. Billion offers highly technical machines, dedicated to plastics processors seeking solutions for the production of technical parts. Other sectors like cosmetics and packaging are also part of the target.


John-Paul benefits from a large experience in the fields of machine tool and mold making industry in general, plastics and rubber processing machines in particular. He occupied high positions as sales and manufacturing manager in this field. He is very familiar with US industry global players and main key automotive accounts. His knowledge of Detroit area industrial base is very high. As former business unit leader, he is very much aware of all plastics processing machines sales channels in the North East and Mid-West regions, as well as Canada.

Many of Billion existing customers are based in the Northeast Region in the Detroit area. This is the case for example of AdduXi, Inc. in Rochester Hills (Michigan), long-term Billion customer and automotive industry supplier, settled in the US since 2014.

More information:

Billion S.A.S., Bellignat, France

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