

08.03.2007 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

EuPR: REACH Workshop for Plastics Recyclers in Ireland

The European Plastic Recyclers (EuPR, are organising in collaboration with EuPC Services an international REACH workshop in Dublin on 27 April 2007 focussing on plastics recyclers. The workshop will address the following questions: what are the solutions for plastics recyclers and what shall a recycler do after June 2007 in order to fully comply with the REACH Regulation adopted in December last year?

The future development of the European plastics recycling has recently been placed in doubt as the Commission wrestles with interpretation and implementation of its REACH legislation. This lack of clarity may have serious business consequences for recycling plastic post use products as well as recycling of a complete range of complex products from batteries through to computers and many other consumer durables.


Featured speakers include:
• Walter Claes, Health, Safety & Environment Director, EuPC
• Song-Lâ Ophaso, EuPC REACH Helpdesk Coordinator, EuPC
• Mark Burstall, Chairman BPF Recycling Council
• Paolo Bochicchio, Health, Safety & Environment Manager, EuPC

The conference will be held from 10.00h -17.00h on 27 April, 2007 in Dublin at the O’Callaghan Davenport Hotel.

For more information on this workshop please contact:
Ms Bianka Nagy
European Plastics Recyclers
Avenue de Cortenbergh 66, 1000 Bruxelles
T. +32 (0)2 739 63 86 - F. +32 (0)2 732 42 18

European Plastics Recyclers, Brussels, Belgium

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