

20.06.2007 | Lesedauer: ca. 3 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

EuPC warns plastics converters of new obligations concerning REACH

The Managing Director of Europe’s trade body for plastics converters has spoken out about the lack of preparedness of his member firms for biting legislation which enters into force this month. Speaking at EuPC’s General Assembly in Noordwijk aan Zee, the Netherlands on June 8th, Alexandre Dangis said that plastics converters need to wake up to the reality of the new and complex system for controlling chemicals – the REACH legislation – and take steps to ensure that the chemicals they are using are being registered. He also reminded members of the assistance which they can receive from the EuPC Help Desk.

The EU’s REACH Regulation entered into force earlier this month on 1st June. It affects not only raw material suppliers and producers but also downstream users such as plastics processors. REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals) requires from the industry basic hazard and risk information on new and existing chemical substances manufactured in or imported into the EU.


Dangis is concerned that whilst many plastics processors know about this Regulation from EuPC and its member organisations, national governments so far appear to have done little to inform industrial companies in their territories about their upcoming responsibilities. For this reason EuPC has elaborated a Help Desk which he is now putting on full alert. EuPC (European Plastics Converters, has been deeply involved in the negotiations with the EU Institutions over REACH for over six years and has been able to influence and adjust some parts of it.His organisation has developed a wealth of knowledge and experience and is well placed to interpret its implications for plastics converters. The Help Desk is now able to communicate this in seminars, one on one company briefings and emailed updates.

EuPC Services’ REACH Helpdesk Calendar 2007
27/04 EuPR REACH Workshop – Plastics Recyclers (Dublin)
03/05 EuPC REACH Workshop – Calendering (Brussels)
21/05 ANAIP REACH Course – Plastics Industry (Madrid)
23/05 BPF REACH Seminar – Plastics Moulders (London)
29/05 NRK REACH Conference – Plastics Industry (Putten)
[19/06] EuPC REACH Workshop – Injection Blow Moulding (Brussels) (postponed until August/September)
26/06 IMMIB REACH Conference – Turkish Plastics and Metal Industry (Istanbul) (to be confirmed)
16/10 EuPC REACH Workshop – Extrusion (Brussels)
10/10 TAIEX Workshop – Romanian Plastics Processors Employers Association (to be confirmed)

REACH Preparation Tool
Since last year a tool developed by EuPC together with Fedichem (the Federation of the Belgian Chemical Industries) and Borealis has been put to members of the EuPC Network’s disposal in order to help them build up an inventory. By using this tool, companies in the processing sector have been prepared to answer most questions related to the substances they are using. They will know quickly whether a substance falls with the category of authorisation or not. This tool has already been successfully tested with real data from a company during one of the training sessions organized earlier this year in the company itself. This preparation tool is available for free to members of the EuPC Network. Non-members can order it for EUR 200 by sending an e-mail to the EuPC REACH Helpdesk (

More information:

European Plastics Converters, Brussels, Belgium

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