

26.06.2007 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

EuPF: Björn Hoem re-elected as President

Björn Hoem (Photo), chief executive officer of Cedo Folien, has been reelected as the President of European Plastic Films (EuPF, Sector Group for a further two-year term at the Brussels-based body’s first Plenary Meeting, which took place on 7 June 2007 in Noordwijk aan Zee, the Netherlands. EuPF board was unanimously elected for the period 2007- 2009 and consists of the following members: Françoise Gerardi (F) CSEMP, Jürgen Bruder (D) IK, John Persenda (F) Sphere, David Tyson (UK) Pafa, Enrique Gallego (E) AFILPLA, Mario Centonze (I) ITP, Industria Termoplastica Pavese and Ad Groenewegen (B) Valeron Strength Films.

The first Plenary Meeting reported the progress made by several EuPF Working Groups. In a review of the activities of the Bags & Sacks working group, John Persenda (Sphere) said that since the anti-dumping measures on PE bags were imposed, European Plastics Films (EuPF) Sector Group has been monitoring imports of PE bags from China, Malaysia and Thailand into the EU 27. A significant drop in imports occurred in October and November 2006 but from December 2006 to February 2007 increases were registered again. He informed that this situation will be closely monitored and actions will be undertaken to the EU Commission if needed. Other EuPF working groups reported progress in the field of test methods, printing and industrial films.


The EuPF sponsors Borealis, BIOTEC, and Omya were present at this EuPF Plenary Meeting. Peter Voortmans, General Sales Manager BU F+F, Borealis stressed the continuous support of Borealis to the European Plastic Film Industry. Biotec presented the opportunities of its different thermoplastic materials, which has sustainability in mind. The thermoplastic material is used for versatile applications for e.g. packaging, food and ingestible products, refuse bags, shopper bags and grocery bags. Omya presented OMYAFILM® a new CaCO3 to increase productivity and improve PE film properties.

European Plastics Films, Brussels, Belgium

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