

01.11.2001 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

Large granulator for treating blocks and film

Folcieri (Folcieri Bruno & C. snc, Via sopracomune, 1, I-26030 Volongo (CR), Tel. +39/0372/845921, Fax +39/0372/845760) will be introducing at the K'2001 (Hall 9, Stand D74) its new BM granulator generation. This very large granulator has a total height of 7.5 m and features a solid rotor diameter of 1930 mm with ten rotating knives and three fixed blades. The throat size is specified as 1500 by 2000 mm and the main motor delivers 430 hp. The machine has been specifically developed for the treatment of blocks and film with an hourly output of around 6/8 ton. The company also produces a wide range of shredders, grinders and further granulators.

Folcieri Bruno & C. snc, Volongo / Italien

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