

30.05.2008 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

ICM: 8th International Electronics Recycling Congress IERC2009 - Call for papers

After the big success of the 7th International Electronics Recycling Congress last January, the Swiss organizer ICM AG ( ) will hold its 8th International Electronics Recycling Congress in beautiful Salzburg in Austria. The IERC2009 will take place from 21 - 23 January 2009 in the Salzburg Congress Center.

More than 350 delegates from industry, authorities and academia will discuss and present the newest information and challenges of the WEEE recycling business.


The preliminary program includes sessions on: update of REACH; what happens with recycled plastics and metals? Quality standards - how to check and monitor? Waste to energy and plastic to diesel; monitoring of hazardous substances in e-scrap; take-back systems; eco-design; green supply chain and the total production network.

Sessions will focus on harmonization of legal requirements in the EU and give an update on the latest recycling technologies.

A large exhibition area is integrated into the conference facilities, where vendors meet their clients. Cocktail receptions and a networking dinner create an excellent atmosphere to get in touch with business partners, friends and competitors.

The congress is also offering plant tours to leading recycling companies in the vicinity of Salzburg.

The organizers have launched a call for papers and invite interested authors to submit their proposals before 25 July 2008.

More information:
International Congress & Marketing
Jeanette Duttlinger
Schwaderhof 524
5708 Birrwil, Switzerland
Phone +41 62 785 10 00
Fax +41 62 785 10 05

ICM AG, Birrwil, Switzerland

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