

29.09.2008 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

EuPR: Release of REACh Pre-registration Substances Directory for Plastics Recyclers

The European Plastics Recyclers association (EuPR, will release the REACh Pre-registration Substances Directory for Plastics Recyclers on the 1st October. This directory has been compiled by plastics experts from PlasticsEurope, EuPC and EuPR.

REACH, the new EU chemicals regulation, requires that chemical substances on their own, in preparations and those which are intentionally released from articles have to be registered to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The obligation to register applies from 1 June 2008. The chemicals currently on the EU market which meet the definition of phase-in substances should be pre-registered between 1st June and 1st December 2008.


This directory includes the monomers and additives (name, CAS & EINECS number) by resin:
• LDPE, • LLDPE, • PA 11, • PA 12
• PA 46, • PA 6, • PA 610, • PA 612
• PA 66, • PA 69, • PBT, • PC
• PE, • PET, • PFA, • PMMA
• POM, • PP, • PS, • PTFE
• PVC Plasticised, • PVC Unplasticised, • PVDF

The substances list will be available on the EuPR extranet and is free of charge for the EuPR Members (

European Plastics Recyclers, Brussels, Belgium

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