

26.05.2005 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

PolyOne introduces a new range of masterbatch for Biodegradable Polymers

There is a growing demand for biodegradable products, with both industry and consumers looking for biodegradable alternatives to conventional plastic polymers. Committed to keeping up with the latest developments in the market, PolyOne ( has developed a range of masterbatch products specific for use with biodegradable resins:
- OnColor™ Bio color masterbatch
- OnCap™ Bio additive masterbatch, including anti-block, slip, denesting agents, laser-marking, optical brightener etc.
- SmartBatch™ Bio color and additive masterbatch combined in one pellet.


The pigments and additives in these masterbatches were carefully chosen to meet industry requirements and legislation, while offering optimum coloration. They can be used at normal loadings and can be dosed in the standard way. They can be processed by injection, extrusion, blow molding and can be used in a range of end-use applications: films (stretch and shrink), netting, punnets, trays, plant pots, bottles, waste bags etc.

PolyOne Corporation, with 2004 annual revenues of $2.2 billion, is a leading global compounding and North American distribution company with continuing operations in thermoplastic compounds, specialty polymer formulations, color and additive systems, and thermoplastic resin distribution. Headquartered in northeast Ohio, PolyOne has employees at manufacturing sites in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, and joint ventures in North America and South America.

PolyOne Belgium S.A., Assesse, Belgium

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