

02.03.2010 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Petcore: New website and first issue of „PET Profile“ published

Our original website had served us well for the past 5 years but Petcore wished to take advantage of the latest developments in website technology to give our members and the public the latest information on PET1 and PET recycling in a user-friendly format.

Petcore members can now have access to the full Document Library that stores Petcore documents and presentations, LCAs, collection statistics and in-depth papers on topics of interest, including the latest legislation, guidance documents and position papers.

For the general public, popular information on PET, PET collection, sorting, recycling and end uses is still available on the site, along with the Petcore video and Kids’ Corner. Information on Petcore member companies, FAQs, Petcore press releases and journal articles are more accessible. The latest news on PET packaging and recycling is also freely available.

Anyone requiring more in-depth information on PET recycling, general articles on PET, other plastics and the Petcore publications will be able to access these from a Document Library by registering with the Petcore website.


Petcore has also produced a new publication in electronic form – PET Profile. This colourful and informative presentation on PET, details the benefits offered to a wide range of stakeholders as well as publicising its recycling credentials. PET Profile is aimed at those working in the PET industry and those who need basic understanding of PET such as journalists and scholars. It is accessible from the Document Library for those who register. Versions in French, German, Italian and Spanish will be added soon.

More Information:

Dateianhang zur Meldung:
» PET Profile - Petcore Fact Sheet on Polyethylene Terephthalate, Issue 1, February 2010 (pdf, 710 kB)

Petcore, Brussels, Belgium

» insgesamt 28 News über "Petcore" im News-Archiv gefunden


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