

14.04.2011, 06:13 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Styron: Plans to change company name to Trinseo

Styron has announced plans to change its company name to Trinseo. The name change will be fully effective in all countries later in 2011; the company will continue to do business as Styron until that time.

"We believe that the new name of Trinseo will position the company better for future growth and greater potential as a global materials company," said Chris Pappas, president and CEO of Styron. "The name Styron is strongly tied to the styrenics chain - particularly polystyrene and styrene monomer, which are an important part of our company - but we are much more than that. Our new name of Trinseo will communicate that we are leaders in a broader range of businesses, products and technologies, and it underscores our commitment to growth."


The word Trinseo comes from "intrinsic", which means belonging to a thing by its very nature, or belonging to or lying within a given part. The root of “trins” is combined with "eo", the Latin verb root meaning "to go". Together these convey the concept that the company’s products and technology deliver "intrinsic" value to our customers. Styron products, technologies and expertise play an intrinsic role in our customers’ products, and are integral to their success. The name Trinseo also captures the vital role that Styron people play in collaborating with our customers to enable their next generation of products.

To select the name, the company engaged Landor Associates, a leading global branding and design firm. "We chose Trinseo because it has the word ‘intrinsic’ at its root. For a company that creates materials used inside customer products, it’s absolutely relevant," said Ken Runkel, executive director in Landor’s New York office.

The company will maintain the arrow icon in its current logo, along with its current color palette and company tagline of "Powering Ideas." The STYRON™ brand will continue to be used as a trade name for polystyrene products.

Styron, Midland, Michigan, USA

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