

19.09.2007 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

TSM Control Systems: 12 Material Components in one Blender

TSM Control Systems ( is revolutionising the plastics industry with the introduction of the TSM3000 (3.000 kg/h) Gravimetric Batch Blender (Photo).

The 12 component blender features many of TSM’s new advances in technology including the automatic cleaning, Material By-pass and automatic order change functions. The “Auto-Cleaning” function cleans all the pellets from the entire mixing chamber using the 3-step process and makes it possible to change from colour to colour in a matter of seconds and without any cross contamination. When combined with the Material By-Pass valve (which provides a continuous feed of virgin material to the main machine process) you are left with a system that gives you rapid changeover times and no stoppages. Other features of this blender include a positive displacement reverse feed auger screw with cramming action, batch to batch consistency of 0.02% and perfect homogenous mixing – all performance guaranteed.


K 2007, Düsseldorf, 24.-31. October 2007, Hall 10, Stand J54

TSM Control Systems, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland

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