

26.04.2010 | Lesedauer: ca. 3 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Borealis: Borouge inaugurated its first manufacturing plant in China

Borealis’ joint venture Borouge, a leading provider of innovative, valuecreating plastics solutions, inaugurated its first manufacturing plant in China at a ceremony held at the plant in Shanghai on April 20, 2010.

The historic event was attended by senior official representatives from the United Arab Emirates including the Minister of Foreign Trade, H.E. Sheikha Lubna Bint Khalid Al Qasimi, the Minister of the Economy, H.E. Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansouri, H.E. Yousef Omair bin Yousef, the CEO of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Secretary General of the Supreme Petroleum Council and Chairman of the Board of Abu Dhabi Polymers Company Limited (Borouge), and the UAE Ambassador to China, H.E. Omer Al Betar. The Chinese delegation at the event included Fengxian Party Committee Secretary, Zhang Li ing and Fengxian Deputy Party Committee Secretary and Mayor of Fengxian, Shi Guang Hui.

Borouge is a joint venture between ADNOC, one of world’s major oil companies, and Borealis, a leading provider of chemical and innovative plastics solutions based in Austria. Rashed Saud Al Shamsi, Chairman of the Board of Borouge’s Marketing Company, Abdulaziz Alhajri, CEO of Borouge’s Production Company, William Yau, CEO of Borouge’s Marketing Company, as well as the Members of the Boards of Borouge and its business partners and customers attended the ceremony.

The new plant in Shanghai is designed to provide innovative plastics solutions to the rapidly growing local automotive and household appliances industries in the region. The plant has the capacity to supply up to 50,000 tonnes of compounded resins annually and the potential to expand by 30,000 tonnes per year in the future. The base resins for the plant are to be supplied from the new polypropylene plants of Borouge in Abu Dhabi.


“The commissioning of a manufacturing plant in Shanghai is an important strategic milestone in our global strategy and supports our goals to service our customers optimally,” says Rashed Saud Al Shamsi, Chairman of Borouge’s Marketing Company. “This is Borouge’s first investment in production facilities outside of the United Arab Emirates, and together with the significant investments we are making in Abu Dhabi, reinforces our commitment to grow in the Chinese and other Asian markets.”

The Shanghai compounding manufacturing plant will provide a range of innovative plastics solutions for bumpers, body panels, dashboards and door claddings. The highlight of the ceremony was a car parade which creatively presented an array of innovative automotive solutions that Borouge offers to the market, providing a platform for future innovations.

Adjacent to the manufacturing plant, Borouge is putting into operation its logistics hub, which will be capable of handling up to 600,000 tonnes of value-added polyolefins per year, thereby improving its local supply chain to the infrastructure and advanced packaging markets in addition to the automotive markets. This hub complements the company’s new logistic hubs in Guangzhou and Singapore.

In Abu Dhabi, Borouge is currently expanding its petrochemical complex from 600,000 to 4.5 million tonnes of polyolefins per year by the end of 2013.

More Information:,

Borealis AG, Vienna, Austria

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