

06.07.2010 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Dow Europe: Price Increases for PRIMACOR™ Copolymers

Effective July 15th, 2010, or as contract terms allow, Dow Europe GmbH will increase prices for all its PRIMACOR™ copolymers by 100 Euro per metric ton across the European, Middle Eastern and African region.


PRIMACOR™ copolymers are high–performance thermoplastic adhesives that add flexibility and strength to polar substrates. They adhere well to metals, plastics, paper, and glass, and they can also bond to fibers and foams. PRIMACOR™ copolymers are mainly used as adhesives and sealants to add puncture and tear-resistance to flexible and liquid packaging applications.

More Information:

Dow Europe GmbH, Horgen, Switzerland

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