

26.10.2010 | Lesedauer: ca. 3 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Radici Plastics: New green engineering plastics lines

At the upcoming K 2010 trade fair, RadiciGroup Plastics will launch its new Radilon® S and Radilon® A product portfolios:
PA6 and PA66 glass fibre filled engineering plastics containing a percentage of recycled recompounded polymer and designed for critical applications. Also to be showcased is the more traditional Heramid® range of PA6 and PA66 post-industrial engineering plastics.

According to RadiciGroup these innovative materials meet the requirements of industrial sectors – such as automotive, electrical/electronics and consumer goods – that are increasingly demanding sustainable products, i.e., products offering a smaller environmental footprint, without compromising high performance and quality consistency.

“Today, greater product eco-sustainability is a non-negotiable variable in all innovation and development projects,” sais Erico Spini, RadiciGroup Plastics Marketing Manager. “RadiciGroup, a chemicals multinational with a fully vertically integrated polyamide production chain, has invested and will continue to invest sizeable resources to reduce the environmental impact of its products and processes, from polymerization to compounding.”


Engineering plastics lines - partly from recycled material - which meet strict specifications of the automotive, electrical/electronics and consumer goods sectors
“Now, in the plastics area,” Spini continued, “RadiciGroup can supply a wide range of innovative green products featuring excellent mechanical properties and quality consistency. The raw materials we use to manufacture our products containing recompounded polymer are process scraps originating from the various business areas of our own Group. Therefore, these raw materials can be precisely identified and, so to speak, checked at the source. This allows us to select the ideal raw materials for a particular application, according to its specifications. Customers can thus purchase products that ensure the same property consistency as top-grade materials."

"Specifically for the automotive sector, for instance, where there is a very clear trend towards materials with less environmental impact, we have developed PA6 and PA66 engineering plastics for our Radilon® A and Radilon® S lines that are ideal for the manufacture of critical components, such as valve covers, air intake manifolds, fans and shrouds. In these cases, such properties as impact resistance, tensile strength at break, fatigue and creep resistance, and thermal ageing resistance must be guaranteed in order to meet the strict technical specifications for the intended application. Our products are fully characterized from mechanical, physical and rheological points of view, in order to provide the designer with all the data needed for the design of the component, exactly as it is done for traditional materials.”

Weitere Informationen:,

K 2010, 27.10.–3.11.2010, Düsseldorf, Hall 6, Stand B10

Radici Plastics GmbH, Hamburg, Germany

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