

05.11.2010 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Ineos Films to increase prices

Significantly compromised supply chains in addition to high cost of base raw materials lead to exceptionally high pressure on margins. As the current scenario is expected to continue for an extended period of time, Ineos Films are forced to increase prices with immediate effect.


About INEOS Films
INEOS Films is a global producer of rigid films. Its manufacturing and marketing activity is concentrated in the production of rigid PVC and PVC-PE films and includes the finishing of films in the form of coating, stentering, laminating and metallizing. It is also involved in the extrusion of PET and PET-PE films. With over 50 years experience in calendaring rigid PVC films, INEOS Films today is one of the leading rigid film producers in the world. Worldwide the INEOS Films Group employs approximately 1,300 people with sites in Germany, Italy, India and the USA. It has the capacity to produce around 140,000 tonnes of films per annum and had sales of EUR 240 million in 2009. Since September 1st 2010 INEOS Films is part of the Bilcare Group.

More information:

INEOS Films, Staufen, Germany

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