

20.12.2010, 06:01 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Dow Coating Materials Announces Price Increases for All Polymer Dispersions and Additives in Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Dow Coating Materials announced last Friday a price increase for all polymer dispersion and additives sold to the architectural coatings, industrial coatings and traffic paint industries, effective January 10, 2011 or as contract terms allow.


The following conditions apply:

• Acrylic and styrene based products, including pure acrylic, styrenated and styrene-acrylic emulsions will be increased in Europe by 100 Eur/MT and in Middle East, Turkey and Africa by 130 US$/MT.

• Vinyl Acetate based products will be increased in Europe by 30 Eur/MT and in Middle East, Turkey and Africa by 40 US$/MT.

These increases are necessitated by the continued cost escalation of key raw materials used to manufacture these products, combined with tightening supply conditions.

More information:

Dow Europe GmbH, Horgen, Switzerland

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