

17.02.2011, 14:50 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

DSM Engineering Plastics announces prices increases for Stanyl

Due to unprecedented and continued escalations in key raw materials costs (such as adipic, glass fiber, flame retardants and others), DSM Engineering Plastics is forced to increase prices for its Stanyl® product range on top of 2010 price increases.

DSM remains committed to continued implementation of cost-saving initiatives, however, escalating costs necessitate this additional increase to sustain DSM Engineering Plastics’ position as an innovative and reliable supplier, says the company.


DSM will increase its prices for Flame retardant grades by 300 €/t or 450 $/tonne and non Flame retardant grades by a minimum 200 €/tonne or 270 $/tonne latest by 1 March 2011. These increases are on top of those already implemented during 2010.

Ivo Lansbergen, Global Business Director Stanyl, says: “Within the strategy of DSM Engineering Plastics we are strongly committed to innovation and sustainability. We will continue to work in close partnership with our customers and differentiate through new, cost effective and greener products.”

More information:

DSM Engineering Plastics, Sittard, Netherlands

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