

02.02.2005 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Petcore announces new test results for recyclable barrier technologies

Petcore’s ( Expert Evaluation Committee, which includes experts from a number of national collection agencies, gave full endorsement to:
- Plasmax, a SiOx-coated barrier from SIG Corpoplast, for all applications
- ActiTUF, an in-resin barrier technology from M&G, for coloured bottle applications


ActiTUF grades for use in clear and light blue bottles did meet all protocol requirements except for colour and haze in the bottle-to-bottle test protocol. Given low market penetrations and expected improvements in sorting technologies, the Committee decided to endorse such ActiTUF applications for a limited period of two years. “Pass” criteria for the bottle-to-bottle protocol are currently under revision, to include variations seen in today’s virgin PET market.

Karl Schöpf, Petcore’s new Technical Director from 1st January 2005, will also act as Chairman of the Expert Evaluation Committee. Mr. Schöpf: “We continue to see significant growth in PET barrier beverage segments like beer, fruit juices, dairy and small carbonated soft drink bottles. This is why Petcore and its members will actively pursue the development of next-generation sorting technologies while maintaining a high standard on our recyclability test protocols.”

Petcore is a non-profit trade association fostering the economic collection, recovery and recycling of post consumer PET containers in Europe.

Petcore, Brüssel/Belgien

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