

07.11.2005 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Petcore: New coating and scavenger technologies with no negative effect on PET recycling

Petcore ( announces that Sidel’s Actis Lite™ coating technology and ColorMatirix’ acetaldehyde “Triple A” scavenger technology will have no negative effect on current European PET recycling.

“Petcore’s Expert Evaluation Committee, whose mission is to determine the impact of new PET containers and additives on the quality of the recovered PET flake for recycling, has come to the conclusion that Sidel’s Actis™ Lite coating technology for gas barrier enhancement and ColorMatirix’ “Triple A” acetaldehyde scavenger technology, will have no negative impact on current European PET recycling.


“The Actis™ Lite coating will be removed with a high degree of success during the bottle washing process. What is more, we estimate that coated bottles will not reach a 12.5% market penetration, which is the point beyond which we might see a change in flake quality” said Karl Schöpf, Petcore’s Technical Director and Chairman of the Expert Evaluation Committee. “Coated bottles are not likely to grow to a point where they might become an issue for recycling as their use will only be restricted to some carbonated beverages and still waters represent a high percentage of the European beverages segment and subsequently of the PET packaging market. Bales of collected post-consumer PET are and will continue to be primarily made up of non-coated bottles. Flakes from bales that include coated bottles will therefore remain of a quality fully suitable for any of the recovered PET end-applications: bottle-to-bottle, fibres, sheet and strapping.”

Regarding the ColorMatrix acetaldehyde scavenger technology Mr Schöpf added: “The ColorMatrix technology has successfully passed the tests according to our latest bottle-to-bottle protocol, meaning that ColorMatrix’s new product remains fully in line with the colour specifications required for bottles”.

Petcore, Brussels/Belgium

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