

23.01.2017, 12:58 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Solvay: Global price increases across the entire polyamide value chain

Solvay, a world leader in polyamide-based performance materials, announces global price increases for its polyamide “Technyl” compounds and “Stabamid” resins as well as upstream intermediates brands “Rhodiacid” (Adipic Acid) and “Rhodiamine” (HDMA).

The dramatic rise of raw materials costs is affecting the entire polyamide (nylon) value chain. As a direct consequence, Solvay is increasing its pricing levels by 300 Euro/tonne - or the equivalent in other currencies - for all product lines worldwide.


“Despite considerable efforts to leverage best-practice operational excellence to offset cost pressures since mid-2016, we are now compelled to increase price levels globally to remain a reliable and long-term partner for our customers”, explains Vincent Kamel, President of Solvay Performance Polyamides.

More information:

Solvay S.A., Lyon, France

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