

05.04.2007 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Basell expands distribution roles for Albis and Ultrapolymers

Basell Sales & Marketing Company B.V ( recently announced that it has signed agreements with two prominent distributors of plastic materials - Albis Plastic GmbH and Ultrapolymers Group N.V. – to expand their roles in the distribution of Basell polyethylene and polypropylene.

“Our company has had a long-standing and fruitful relationship with both Albis and Ultrapolymers,” said Anton de Vries, president of the Polyolefins Europe Business and director of Basell Sales & Marketing Company B.V. “Now, in widening the roles for each of them we can not only consolidate our distribution network in Western Europe, but also extend our presence and increase Basell’s visibility in the fast-growing Central and East European markets as well as in Turkey.”


In addition, the agreements formalise existing co-operations with Albis and Ultrapolymers for Basell´s advanced polyolefins and extend their distribution rights for these products to several Central European countries.

Albis, founded in 1961, is a distributor and compounder of plastics based in Hamburg, Germany. The company is part of the Otto Krahn group.

Ultrapolymers, founded in 2002, is based in Beerse, Belgium and is a subsidiary of Ravago, a leading plastics, rubber and chemicals company.

“With the additional support we will be receiving from Albis and Ultrapolymers and their focus on selected customers, we will further optimise Basell’s channel-to-market strategy on a pan-European basis,” said de Vries. “Our goal is to provide high-quality Basell products to customers of various sizes in the most efficient manner possible, and we are very pleased that Albis and Ultrapolymers will enable us to be more flexible and agile in a marketplace that is continuously evolving.”

Basell Polyolefins Europe B.V., Hoofddorp, Netherlands

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