

29.10.2001 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

Eddy current separation system

Eriez Magnetics (Eriez Magnetics Europe Ltd., Bedwas House, Industrial Estate, Bedwas, GB Caerphilly CF83 8YG, Tel. +44/29/20855854, Fax +44/29/20851314, will be demonstrating at the K'2001 (Hall 3, Stand F52) its new SR model Eddy Current Separator or ECS, which has been specifically designed for demanding multi-stage metal separation. The high-intensity, permanent magnetic separator is widely used in the recycling industry for the enhanced separation of fine non-ferrous contamination, such as aluminium foils from plastic and rubber granules. A speciflc example is specified in the uPVC window frame making process, where self-tapping screws are part of the profile and need to be removed in the recycling operation. The advantages of the separator include its compact, robust system design, the easy operation and the enhanced performance that results from the generation of multiple, high-intensity 'eddy current' fields. The company stresses its wide experience in providing solutions for numerous recycling applications, whereby the emphasis is on providing a package to solve a particular process problem rather than supplying a single, specific machine.

Eriez Magnetics Europe Ltd., Bedwas / Großbritannien

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