

02.07.2008 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

DSM raises the price of YPAREX® extrudable adhesive resins

DSM Engineering Plastics ( announces a price increase of EUR150/ton for all Yparex® extrudable adhesive resins. The price increase is effective as from 1 July 2008 or as contracts permit on all shipments.

According to Wouter van den Berg, Product Manager Yparex, “The price adjustment reflects escalating costs that can no longer be offset by improving productivity. The increase is to compensate for the exceptionally high cost of the ethylene feedstock for the Yparex range of resins. We are also faced with higher transport costs driven by rising fuel prices and higher manufacturing cost resulting from increasing energy costs. At the same time, the price increase has become an absolute necessity as DSM Engineering Plastics continues to invest in innovation directed to new products and technology developments for our customers."

DSM Engineering Plastics, Sittard, Netherlands

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