

06.12.2001 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

Metal separator ejects free-falling metals

The Pulse Technology Division of Eriez Magnetics (Eriez Magnetics Europe Ltd. Bedwas House, Industrial Estate, Bedwas, GB Caerphilly CF83 8YG, Tel. +44/29/20855854, Fax +44/29/20851314) displayed its new Pulseparator during the K´2001. The advanced metal separator detects and then ejects metal contamination from granules in free-fall, such as beneath hopper loaders or at the exit of granulators. The device removes not only ferrous metals down to a size of l mm, but also non-magnetic, non-ferrous metals such as copper or brass. The main advantages of the unit are the low height, which enables it to be fitted in areas with limited headroom, the high-speed reject system, which minimises the quantity of good material rejected with the metal, and the ability to handle damp granules.

Eriez Magnetics Europe Ltd., Caerphilly/UK

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