Die Suche nach "EAS" brachte 2057 Treffer.

1921 bis 1935 von 2.057 News « 127128129130131»
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21.05.2007 - A Spanish company works on the manufacture of plastic products. The plastic is transformed by the rotation-moulding technique, which allows them to manufacture new products, moulds and pieces with three-dimensional design according to their clients needs. The company has developed a light, easy-to-handle...
12.05.2007 - A Portuguese university has developed a new sensor using carbon fibre polymer composite (CFPC). CFPC is an intelligent material that can be used for measuring deformations, and/or mechanical stresses, induced in a structural element of construction. The sensor is sufficiently robust and sensitive to...
19.04.2007 - Following research and development work, Arkema plans to launch a new Evatane® grade combining high Vinyl Acetate content - 40% - and a low Melt Flow Index (MFI below 3). "These two parameters are difficult to combine. This new grade, blended with other products, will help produce a cable with sound...
17.04.2007 - POLARIS brand resins for cast marble, solid surface and engineered stone are being introduced to the European marketplace customers by Ashland Composite Polymers, a business group of Ashland Performance Materials, a division of Ashland Inc. (www.ashland.com) POLARIS resins are consistent and versatile,...
05.04.2007 - Basell Sales & Marketing Company B.V (www.basell.com) recently announced that it has signed agreements with two prominent distributors of plastic materials - Albis Plastic GmbH and Ultrapolymers Group N.V. – to expand their roles in the distribution of Basell polyethylene and polypropylene. “Our...
04.04.2007 - A SME of the North-East of Italy specialised in studded membranes for the protection of waterproofing sheets is searching for partners that produce HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) and other recycled polymers. The SME is interested in a manufacturing agreement. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:07 IT IRVI 0HQF)...
28.03.2007 - Petcore (www.petcore.org) announced shortly that multi-layer barrier bottles produced by the Graham Packaging Company, using their SurShot™ co-injection technology combined with their SurBond-E™ barrier material, fulfilled the specifications of the Petcore protocol for bottle to bottle and bottle to...
28.03.2007 - Forscher für einen Tag: Schülerlabore so beliebt wie nie / NRW-Wissenschaftsminister Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart als Gastredner Bei Bayer (www.bayerbms.de) wird die Nachwuchsförderung groß geschrieben, ganz besonders im naturwissenschaftlichen und technischen Bereich. Daher stand das Bayer Kommunikationszentrum...
23.03.2007 - A UK company specialised in plastic packaging has developed a range of innovative food packaging products. The innovative multilayer sheet and packs are especially suitable for oxygen sensitive food products. The packaging products are manufactured by blow moulding, injection moulding and thermoforming...
22.03.2007 - Effective April 1, 2007, or as contract terms allow, Dow (www.dow.com) will increase prices in Europe by 60 Euros per metric ton for all grades of its low-density polyethylene (LDPE) resins and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) resins, DOWLEX™ polyethylene resins, ATTANE™ ultra low density polyethylene...
20.03.2007 - Auktionen enden: Donnerstag, 19. April 2007 Hunderte von Posten! Hochwertige Maschinen werden täglich hinzugefügt! Verschiedene Standorte innerhalb Europas Zum Verkauf stehen u.a.: • Spritzgießmaschinen von 25 bis 3.000 Tonnen • Zubehör – Trockner, Granulierer, Fördersysteme • Kühlaggregate...
19.03.2007 - Gleich 15 Extrusionsblasformmaschinen vom Typ KCC10 (Bild) konnte die Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH (www.kautex-group.com) im letzten Herbst nach Saudi Arabien verkaufen. Zu jeder Maschine liefert Kautex zwischen Februar und April 2007 auch je ein Blasformwerkzeug für eine runde und eine ovale Flasche, sowie...
16.03.2007 - A French SME specialised in the deconstruction of used pleasure boats is looking for an innovative technology or process to recycle boats hulls made of composite materials. The company is seeking a technical co-operation agreement. (TECHNOLOGY REQUEST, ref.:07 FR FMCP 0HJF) Detailed information:...
12.03.2007 - Landesregierung beschließt neue Clusterstrategie - Wachstumspotenziale sollen gezielt gefördert werden Das Ministerium für Innovation, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (www.innovation.nrw.de) und das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Mittelstand und Energie (www.wirtschaft.nrw.de) des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen...
08.03.2007 - The European Plastic Recyclers (EuPR, www.plasticsrecyclers.eu) are organising in collaboration with EuPC Services an international REACH workshop in Dublin on 27 April 2007 focussing on plastics recyclers. The workshop will address the following questions: what are the solutions for plastics recyclers...
1921 bis 1935 von 2.057 News « 127128129130131»
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