Die Suche nach diesem Unternehmen brachte 36 Treffer.

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30.08.2013 - Der Markt für medizinische und pharmazeutische Geräte stellt ein zunehmendes strategisches Interesse für die Kunststoffindustrie dar. Seine Wachstumsrate beträgt nach Angaben des EuPC - European Plastics Converters über 7 Prozent jährlich und der Bereich Outsourcing innerhalb dieses Marktes steigt demnach...


Verglichen mit der Förderung von Granulaten, sind beim Fördern von Pulver einige wesentliche Aspekte zu beachten. So hängt das geeignete Förderverfahren wesentlich von den spezifischen Eigenschaften des Pulvers ab...
11.03.2013 - Die EU-Kommission hat kürzlich ein Green Paper „On a European Strategy on Plastic Waste in the Environment“ veröffentlicht. Darin enthalten sind 26 Fragen zum Abfallmanagement bei Kunststoffprodukten. Die beiden europäischen Verbände der Kunststoffindustrie EuPC und PlasticsEurope begrüßen dieses...
22.06.2012 - Bernhard Borgardt re-ellected as president of EuPC at the EuPC General Assembly on the 1 June, 2012 during the Plastics & Composites Innovation Days 2012 in Vienna. New members were assigned to the EuPC Steering Committee as well: Ton Emans (EuPR), Tom Debusschere (EPPA), Florence Poivey (Federation...
16.03.2012 - Plastics converting companies have come under renewed pressure through increasing raw materials prices, says EuPC, the industry´s Brussels based body. ´There has been a sharp upswing in prices across the board for most polymers, commodity and engineering, and this is both seriously compromising processors...
03.02.2012 - Because the volume of EU legislation affecting technical parts manufacturers is increasing, EuPC, the Brussels based trade group for plastics converters, has found it necessary to set up two new Groups to respond to the threat. More than 80% of industry roadmaps & legislation is European and are affecting...
25.05.2011 - European Plastic Films, a sector group of the umbrella organization European Plastics Converters, would like to respond to several media publications following the publishing of the European Commission’s public consultation on plastic bags (published Wednesday 18th May 2011) and highlight the inaccuracies...
18.02.2011 - The European Plastics Converters Association (EuPC) has signed a co-operation agreement with the inventor of a new trawling net to help retrieve plastics Marine litter. This is part of EuPC’s programme to address an escalating issue which in recent years has secured prime time television coverage and...
17.02.2011 - Since January 2011 Ingrid Verschueren has been appointed the new Packaging Manager at EuPC, the Brussels based plastics converters trade association. Ms Verschueren has a legal background and has been working for EuPC as Legal Director since 2006. She took over the management of the Packaging Division...
10.01.2011 - On January 1st 2011 Italian legislation banning the use of "non-biodegradable" plastic bags, entered into force. This ban has entered into force based on a communication of the Ministry for Environment. The Minister, Ms. Stefania Prestigiacomo, confirmed entry into force of the ban on 01/01/2011 and,...
07.12.2010 - ´Plastics processors in Europe are still suffering despite improvements in overall business conditions´, said Alexandre Dangis, speaking about the mounting raw material cost increases sustained by Europe´s plastics processors. The head of the industry´s Brussels organisation, European Plastics Converters...
25.10.2010 - EuPC has urged distressed plastics convertors to challenge their raw material suppliers in court if they are faced with suspicious declarations of Force Majeure. EuPC´s Managing Director, Alexandre Dangis said, "The frequency of Force Majeures we have recently experienced is unprecedented in our working...
26.05.2010 - "Plastics processors are hurting", said Alexandre Dangis, speaking about the mounting raw material cost increases sustained by Europe´s plastics processors. The head of the industry´s Brussels organisation, European Plastics Converters Association, believes that this will slow down recovery in the industry,...
05.02.2009 - In einer an die europäische Kunststoff-Verarbeitungsindustrie gerichteten Botschaft zum Neuen Jahr 2009 unterstrich Alexandre Dangis, Geschäftsführer der in Brüssel ansässigen Branchenorganisation EuPC (European Plastics Converters, www.plasticsconverters.eu) die Maßnahmen, die die EuPC in einer Reihe...
20.02.2008 - Europe’s Brussels-based plastics converters’ body, EuPC (www.plasticsconverters.eu), has published a ‘Questions and Answers’ document on Bioplastics and Degradability. This factual brochure giving answers to the commonly asked questions on the subject follows the preparation of a detailed internal industry...
01.02.2008 - Der EuPC-European Plastics Converters (www.eupc.org) hat zusammen mit der Federation de la Plasturgie the industry’s association, Frankreich, das erste Europäische Diplom für die Kunststoffindustrie ins Leben gerufen. Die Unternehmen der Kunststoffindustrie wollen hiebei der Notwendigkeit eines einheitlichen...
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