

24.08.2006 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

Moditec: Granulators with integrated metal detection

Moditec ( is a French manufacturer of slow speed granulator technology. Moditec developed innovative features such as Masher system or tooth design. A new patented system called IMD, ‘Integrated Metal Detection’, is the last innovation.

This concept was designed to avoid serious damages should metal parts fall into the cutting chamber. As soon as the system detects a metal part, the granulator rotor stops within 40 milliseconds. A troubleshooting message can be seen on the LCD screen of the electrical cabinet.


The significant advantages for the user are
  • increased productivity (the production is only stopped during the cutting chamber cleaning)
  • significant savings in repair costs.

  • This optional feature, available on Goliath Plus and Titan Plus granulators, is always combined with the anti-blocking ABS system.

    Fakuma 2006, Friedrichshafen, 17.-21.10.2006, Hall B3, Stand 9109

    Moditec, Marennes/France

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