

10.11.2006 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

DSM: Prices Increases In EMEA Region

DSM Engineering Plastics ( has announced a price increase for a number of polymers effective throughout the EMEA region (Europe, Middel East, Africa) from January 1st, 2007.

According to Jos Goessens, Business Group Director for DSM Engineering Plastics: "The costs of energy, critical raw materials, transport and utilities for the manufacturing and supply of various DSM Engineering Plastics have been continuously high and in some cases (for example flame retardants, BDO), still increasing. DSM has been doing its up most to reduce the effects of these increases by ongoing restructuring and efficiency programs without reducing our service level nor our long term investment in R&D and the business in general.


Therefore, we believe that - in order to continue our valuable partnership with customers on a long-term basis – there is no alternative but implementing price increases for below mentioned polymers in de EMEA region."

Xantar(PC and PC-blends0.20 Eur/kg
Akulon(PA6&PA66 Injection Moulding)0.15 Eur/kg
Arnite(PBT)0.25 Eur/kg
(PET)0.20 Eur/kg
Stanyl(PA46 unfilled)0.35 Eur/kg
(PA46 reinforced, non FR)0.20 Eur/kg
(PA46 FR)0.45 Eur/kg
Arnitel(thermoplastic elastomers)0.25 Eur/kg

DSM Composite Resins, Schaffhausen, Switzerland

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