

27.01.2017, 05:56 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

A. Schulman extends distribution agreement with Solvay for “Ixef” PARA, “Omnix” HPPA and “Kalix” HPPA High Performance Polymers

A. Schulman Inc., a leading international supplier of high-performance plastic compounds, powders, composites and resins, recently announced that it is extending its distribution agreement with Solvay for three of the company’s High-Performance Polyamides (HPPA), which include “Ixef” polyaryla-mide (PARA), “Omnix” HPPA and “Kalix” HPPA, and will now be serving all European, Middle Eastern and African countries, with the exception of Italy.

“We are proud that Solvay has awarded us with the expanded distribution of these high-performance polymers to include the United Kingdom, Ireland, Benelux, the Nordics, and the Iberian peninsula”, says Horst Klink, Vice President of A. Schulman’s Performance Materials for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). “Over the last 20 years, we have developed a strong strategic partnership with Solvay. In addition to ‘Ixef’ PARA, ‘Omnix’ HPPA and ‘Kalix’ HPPA products, we distribute their melt-processable fluoropolymers, including ‘Solef’ PVDF, ‘Halar’ ECTFE, and ‘Algoflon’ L and ‘Polymist’ PTFE powders. Last but not least, our close collaboration covers an increasing number of developmental projects. The added territories reinforce our ability to offer an even higher service level to our customers.”


Vincent P. Meunier, EMEA Channel Partners Manager for Solvay’s Specialty Polymers Business, comments: "By expanding their distribution territory, A. Schulman can better serve customers needing international service. The higher sales volume made possible through this agreement allows A. Schulman to provide customers with world-class commercial, logistic and technical service support through their extended network of local subsidiaries.”

Solvay began its relationship with A. Schulman in Germany in the early ‘90s for the distribution of “Ixef” PARA.

A. Schulman’s extended Distribution Agreement with Solvay follows only shortly after the recent agreement expansion with API.

More information:,

A. Schulman, Inc., Akron, Ohio, USA

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