

27.04.2007 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Chemtura: Anne P. Noonan named Group President Polymer Additives

Chemtura Corporation ( has appointed Anne P. Noonan as Group President, Polymer Additives (Plastics Additives and Flame Retardants, Brominated Performance Products and Fumigants).

In addition to her business leadership role, she is also responsible for flame retardant advocacy initiatives, including continuous evaluation of the environmental, health and safety profile of new and existing flame retardants and the promotion of fire prevention through flame retardant use.


Before Crompton Corporation and Great Lakes Chemical Corporation formed Chemtura in 2005, Ms. Noonan worked for Great Lakes Chemical for 19 years as Vice President and General Manager of the Brominated Flame Retardants business. Prior to that, she served as Vice President of Marketing, Technology and Advocacy for the business.

She received her Master´s degree in organometallic chemistry from University College Dublin, Ireland.

Ms. Noonan’s new post is part of an industry-based business model Chemtura is implementing to improve performance and accelerate growth. By focusing on end-use markets, Chemtura believes it will be better able to serve current customer needs, anticipate their future requirements and target rapidly growing industry segments.

Chemtura Corporation, Middlebury, USA

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