

26.06.2006 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

ICM: 6th International Electronics Recycling Congress IERC2007 - Call for papers

From 17-19 January 2007, the 6th International Electronics Recycling Congress (IERC) will be held in Hamburg, Germany.

More than 300 delegates from industry, authorities and academia will discuss and present the newest information and challenges of the WEEE recycling business.


The preliminary program includes sessions on: Financial guarantees for recycling, reports on international trade of metals and plastics, zero landfill policy of OEMS, activities in take-back and recycling, major challenges and solutions for the industry and authorities.

Sessions will focus on export of WEEE to Asia, news about processes and plants for recycling and recovery, best available technologies for dismantling, sorting and recycling.

There will be a round table discussion about REACH and RoHS: How REACH affects the worldwide WEEE recycling business, what is REACH? Update of RoHS.

The congress will include a networking dinner and visits to successful electronics recycling plants and a leading copper smelter.

ICM (, the Swiss organiser of IERC 2007, has launched a call for papers and invite interested authors to submit their proposals before 31 July 2006.

For more information, please contact:
International Congress & Marketing
Jeanette Duttlinger
Schwaderhof 524
5708 Birrwil, Switzerland
Phone +41 62 785 10 00
Fax +41 62 785 10 05

ICM AG, Birrwil/Switzerland

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