

28.04.2006 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

DSM: price increase on unsaturated polyester resins and gelcoats products

DSM Composite Resins (, Europe’s largest UP resin producer, will increase prices on all its unsaturated polyester resin and gelcoat products for shipments on or after the 1st of May 2006. All unsaturated polyester resin and gelcoats products except vinyl ester resins will be increased with 70 EURO/ton, where as all vinyl ester resins products will be increased with 100 EURO/ton.

Gertjan de Koning, Business Director Structural Resins Europe, stated that the resin price increase is the inevitable consequence of the continuous rise in raw materials prices during the first quarter of this year.


As already predicted in February on DSM Composite Resins’s internet presentation, the major raw materials for UP resins have continued their upward trend. This has lead to the situation that UP resin cost levels is on a peak level again.

Especially epoxy resins, one of the major raw materials for vinyl ester resins, have seen significant above average price increases, caused by a shortage of Epichlorohydrin, explaining the situation for the vinyl ester resins.

DSM Composite Resins, Schaffhausen, Switzerland

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