

08.01.2019, 14:04 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

EFIBCA: Many new faces at the annual general meeting

On 31 October 2018, EFIBCA invited members to its Annual General meeting (AGM) in Frankfurt. EFIBCA President Roelof Veld welcomed more than 40 participants to the AGM. He then introduced Torben Knoess, who assumed the position of General Secretary at EFIBCA in July this year from his colleague Dr Isabell Schmidt - both from IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V. (German Association for Plastics Packagings and Films).

Fortunately, many new members who had joined EFIBCA only a few weeks before had travelled to Frankfurt. The keynote speech by Dr Isabell Schmidt was primarily concerned with the topic of circular economy, about which she presented the attendees with some information on the current status and plans of the EU Commission for the plastics industry in Europe. The participants agreed that this topic will continue to accompany EFIBCA in the coming years and a discussion followed concerning what projects could be carried out by EFIBCA in this field.


Since EFIBCA's secretariat will remain with IK for another two years, the new members in particular were given an overview of the projects currently being worked on at IK and, above all, the international committees and organisations in which IK is represented.

A number of very interesting discussions and some points were taken up again in an extremely positive atmosphere and expanded upon at the closing joint lunch.

EFIBCA is planning its next AGM together with an open meeting for 14 and 15 October 2019 (the two days before the start of K 2019) in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Anyone with an interest in FIBCs is welcome to attend this conference.

Founded in 1983, the European Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container Association (EFIBCA) represents the interests of FIBC manufacturers, distributors and material suppliers towards authorities, regulatory bodies, the public and other institutions connected with the FIBC business. EFIBCA offers members a platform for exchange and cooperation on quality, safety and regulatory issues and provides guidance for the FIBC user.

More information:

European Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container Association c/o IK, Bad Homburg

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