

19.12.2001 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

R'02 - International Congress

R'02, 6th World Congress of Integrated Resources Management
February 12-15, 2002, Geneva, Switzerland

The R'02 Congress is organised as a partnership between EMPA, Orgexpo, PEAK Ltd. And SDC (Swiss Agency Development and Co-operation).


Aims and objective of R'02 after Toronto in Geneva again.
The R'02 Congress will provide solutions and dialogue between decision-makers and resources management practitioners in the industrial, political, academic and environmental sectors. This important event will address for the sixth time the scientific, technical and practical issues associated with the environmental, economic and social implications of Resource Management Issues. In addition, emphasis will be on the technology and know-how transfer as well as on providing comprehensive global and local solutions for efficient management of natural resources, recovery material and waste. Special attention will be given to the engineering and financing issues of international projects.

Oral and poster presentations technological and scientific issues
The most recent findings in the fields of resources management, recovery, recycling, re-integration will be presented in the form of oral and poster presentations by experts from all over the world.

Financing international projects
International and national development organisations and financing institutions will present financing mechanisms and processes for development projects in the field of resources management.

A day of workshops will provide an opportunity to: intensify the discussion on special products and materials; apply the presented findings to delegates' particular fields of interest; meet colleagues, business partners and others with a common interest.

Company displays and presentations
Interested companies will have the opportunity to organise company displays and presentations of their products and services.

Target groups
The congress is aimed at decision-makers and practitioners in the field of politics, economy, and industry as well as public servants, community representatives, scientists, environmentalists, consultants in resources and waste management, journalists and students.

More information:

EMPA, Orgexpo, PEAK Ltd. and SDC, Genf, Schweiz

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