

13.07.2010 | Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

DSM and Resinex sign distribution agreement for eastern european market

DSM Engineering Plastics and RESINEX have entered into a distribution agreement, to join forces in the market development and sales of DSM Engineering Plastics resins in Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia.

The move, which is effective from 1 July 2010, is designed to strengthen the position of DSM Engineering Plastics in Eastern Europe. As such, this agreement is in line with DSM’s corporate strategy to focus on new and emerging markets - as defined in Vision 2010, the corporate blueprint for future development of the company.


According to Anna Mojana (Distribution Manager) and Loek Ribberink (Central & Eastern Europe Sales Manager), for DSM Engineering Plastics this joint approach will allow a further growth in Eastern Europe emerging areas: "This agreement will make DSM’s range of world class products more easily available throughout the region, using the RESINEX well-established distribution network. All products will be fully supported by DSM’s outstanding technical support and application development programs, where necessary."

More Information:

DSM Engineering Plastics, Sittard, Netherlands

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