

11.11.2010, 10:30 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

LyondellBasell: Management Changes for Olefins & Polyolefins

LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) recently announced that Bhavesh V. (Bob) Patel has been named senior vice president, Olefins & Polyolefins – Europe, Asia and International (EAI), with additional responsibilities for licensing and catalyst sales, effective immediately. Patel will succeed Anton de Vries who has departed from the company.

"Bob Patel has demonstrated success in leading olefins and polyolefins businesses in Asia and the Americas and I am pleased that he will bring this leadership and industry knowledge to guide our EAI business," said LyondellBasell CEO Jim Gallogly. "We extend our gratitude to Anton de Vries for his years of service to LyondellBasell." Patel´s successor for the Americas segment will be named later.


Patel, who will be based in Rotterdam, joined LyondellBasell in March 2010 as senior vice president, Olefins and Polyolefins – Americas based in Houston. Prior to LyondellBasell, Patel was with Chevron Phillips Chemical Company and Chevron Chemical Company, where he held a number of manufacturing, marketing, strategic planning, business management and general management positions beginning in 1990. Most recently he was general manager, Olefins and NGLs at Chevron Phillips. He also served as general manager, Asia Pacific Region, based in Singapore.

Patel received a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering from The Ohio State University. He also holds a Master´s in Business Administration from Temple University.

More information:

LyondellBasell, Rotterdam, Netherlands

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