

11.05.2006 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Rhodia Polyamide: New Polymerization Unit in South Korea

Rhodia ( has announced the construction of a polymerization unit on its integrated production platform in Onsan (South Korea). With an annual capacity of 48,000 tonnes, the unit will start polyamide production at the end of 2007. The new unit, representing an investment of almost euro 40 million, is aimed at further strengthening Rhodia’s market position. Rhodia is the world’s second largest polyamide producer and the front-ranked player in the Asian polyamide 6.6 market.

The facility – Rhodia’s first polymerization unit in Asia – will produce nylon salt and polyamide 6.6 polymers for engineering plastics and industrial fibers used in the automotive, electrical and electronics, and consumer goods industries, for which their mechanical and thermal properties give them an ideal fit.


“This decision is completely in line with the growth strategy adopted by the Group,” says Laurent Schmitt, President of Rhodia Polyamide. “Our investment will allow Rhodia Polyamide to provide a better service to its customers in Asia, as well as capture new opportunities in a market enjoying a very high annual growth rate of around 20 percent.”
Geographic expansion in high growth regions is a primary objective for Rhodia, which brought a new engineering plastics facility on-stream near Shanghai (China), in February.

Rhodia Polyamide, St. Fons, France

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