

11.06.2015, 14:52 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

RocTool: Jean-Marie Demeautis new Chairman of the Board

Jean-Marie Demeautis
Jean-Marie Demeautis
Jean-Marie Demeautis has been appointed RocTool’s Director and Chairman of the Board.

RocTool are specialists in the design and development of innovative processes for rapid molding of composites and plastic materials.

Jean-Marie Demeautis has over 20 year’s solid experience in development strategies and innovation; he has gained a strong marketing vision and expertise with differentiated solutions.

With his unwavering international career, primarily focused around NYSE listed American companies such as WR Grace and Sealed Air Corp. Jean-Marie became Global President for the Cryovac Food Solutions division, worldwide leader in packaging, particularly for fresh foods, Vice President and Corporate Officer of Sealed Air.


About RocTool
Created in 2000, RocTool revolutionizes fast molding processes for composites, plastic injection and very soon metal. The processes developed by RocTool are used by major brands in innovative industries: Consumer Electronics (Motorola, Flextronics), Automotive (Mini Cooper, Volvo cars), Sports & Leisure. They hold many advantages including reduced cycle times, enhanced quality o f parts produced, therefore resulting in an overall cost reduction of the produced parts for manufacturers. Constructed around an ecosystem, which includes suppliers of: software, machine manufacturers, mold makers and resin providers, the industrial strategy RocTool Ready a “plug and play” concept within an all-inclusive package (study, license, material and installation), making RocTool process accessible to both major companies and SME’s.

RocTool is listed on Alternext in Paris. Their headquarters and R&D center are situated at Savoie Technolac, Le Bourget du Lac (France). The company also opened three subsidiaries in the USA, Germany and Taiwan and boasts test & demonstration platforms in Germany, Japan and Italy.

More information:

RocTool SA, Le Bourget du Lac, Frankreich

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